Club Information
Sharper Edge Skating School’s Figure Skating Club Program is perfect for skaters who wish to spend more time on the ice, attend more advanced classes, enhance their abilities, and/or compete. Please feel free to contact the office at 978-369-0088 or email us at info@sharperedgeskating.com with any questions you may have. We look forward to a fun and successful year with you, and thank you for choosing Sharper Edge Skating School.
Sharper Edge Skating School believes that everyone should strive to do their personal best. We maintain the expectation that all of our skaters progress at their own rate in accordance with their individual ability. Everyone, regardless of age or abilities, will be treated equally. Our goal is to teach our Club members good sportsmanship, etiquette, and team spirit. We want team members to encourage and support one another. All these things work together to make our team successful.
All Club members must complete a membership form, release form, release to treat form, behavior contract, and a photo release form on a yearly basis. These forms can be obtained in the office, or found on our website under “Important Club Forms”.
All classes must be contracted. Walk-ons may be permitted at the discretion of the director. Classes must be paid in full and there will be no pro-rating. If a contract has not been submitted by the first day of the class, then the skater will not be allowed on the ice. NO MAKE UPs will be given for any missed classes.
All SESS club members must be a member of the ISI (Ice Sports Industry). This application is available in the office or you can register via their website at www.skateisi.org. It is the responsibility of the club member to renew his/her ISI membership yearly. Please submit a copy of the card to the Sharper Edge office.
Please call the office and leave a message if you cannot attend practice. Prior notice is always appreciated. We expect that you will make every effort to attend. It is in your child’s best interest to attend all scheduled practices.
A competition schedule will be given to each skater at the start of the season. Skaters may choose to compete individually and/or as a member of a line. Team Members must go to all of the TEAM competitions. This is a requirement for participation on a team.
Competitors must submit their Competition form on or before the due date. Any incomplete forms will be returned to the skater. Please make checks payable to SHARPER EDGE SKATING SCHOOL. Competition fees are not refundable. In addition to the competition fee, there will be a coach fee as well. For local competitions, the coach fee will be $40.00 per competitor. For competitions that require traveling out of state, the coach fee will be $50.00 per competitor.
As a Sharper Edge Club member, you are expected to always behave appropriately and respectfully at competitions and at our home rink. Please refer to the Behavioral Contract for the expectations of Sharper Edge.
Club Membership Fees:
One Family Member $180.00/year
Two Family Members $330.00/year
Each additional Family Member $90.00/year
Additional Fee Information:
Bounced Check Fee: $25.00/Check
Late Contract Fee: $30.00/Session (This fee will not be waived)
Testing Fee: $15.00/Test
Competition Coach Fee: Local Competition = $40.00 Out of State Competition = $50.00
Please handle all paperwork and payments by mail or place it in the black mailbox located outside the SESS office:
Sharper Edge Skating School
100 Powdermill Rd - PMB 233 (mailing address only)
Acton, MA 01720
(978) 369-0088
Private Lessons:
We strongly believe that the classes are structured adequately for all technical maneuvers. However, FS 1 and above skaters will need a few additional private lessons to choreograph and complete each program. Please refer to our Private Lesson Page for more information.
Skating Routines and Music:
Competitive skating routines will be choreographed by a coach. Although the coach always has final approval for the music to be used in a skater’s program, it is important that the skater be happy with his/her music. It is suggested that the skater give his/her coach 3 pieces of music to choose from. The coach may also be asked if she/he has any suggestions for music to be used in a program. All music must be approved, edited, and labeled by the Sharper Edge office. Please understand that the skater and their music both represent Sharper Edge. It is the responsibility of SESS to check that the music is in compliance with all ISI rules and that is represents SESS well. Please Note: When a coach has control over the editing process, the choreography is stronger and takes less time. Each coach has individual ideas where a maneuver or spin belongs in a program and will cut the music accordingly. If you are scheduling a lesson to create a program, please make sure that they music has been approved, and appropriately edited before booking the lesson. Please make sure plenty of notice is given to the office. Please be patient, as this can be a long process, but needs to be done correctly.
The following Fees will apply to music provided by SESS:
$12.00-$20.00 = Music edited or adjusted by Sharper Edge Office, uploaded into the SESS Music Drive
***Fee is based on the amount of cuts and editing time
$2.00 = Purchasing fee for each piece of music that is purchased by SESS
$8.00 = Music transfered from the SESS Music Drive onto CDs (Includes 2 CDs and a CD case)
Once chosen, an email should be sent to the office with a request for that piece of music. A skater can only register music for the programs that he/she is currently working on. Choreography must not begin until the music has been approved by the SESS Office. No skater will be allowed to skate to a piece of music that is in active use.
Testing Policy:
The ISI program was developed with the belief that all athletes, regardless of their potential must have a solid foundation of basic skills in order to advance safely. Our program allows the skater to advance at his or her own pace. We emphasize having fun and doing your personal best. Test levels and placement in competition are secondary. The Director will make the final decision when a skater is ready to be tested. In an effort to make testing less stressful, testing will be done during lesson time. If a skater plans to compete at Districts or Worlds, he/she must be tested by April 1st. Please Note: Any skater competing Freestyle 6 or above MUST compete in 2 competitions in the current competition season in order to compete in Districts of that year. The fee is $15.00 per test level.
If Sharper Edge should cancel classes due to poor weather conditions, this information will be posted on our Facebook page as soon as the decision has been made. It can also be found on our outgoing voicemail message at (978) 369-0088. Classes will only be cancelled if the rink closes. Each session might have some days where classes are not scheduled. You can find that information on the application under "NO ICE". It would be a good idea to mark that information on your calendar. A google calendar can be found on our website with class dates and times listed.
Club Apparel:
Sharper Edge Club Jackets, Sweatshirts, T-shirts, etc. are for sale. Order forms are available in the club office. All orders must be submitted with payment. Skaters/Parents are reminded that the delivery time varies on all clothing and these items could possibly take months to be delivered. ORDER EARLY.
Line Member Policies:
All Team Members (Team Compulsories, Ensemble, Pattern, Production, Synchro, and Theatre On Ice) are required to attend the scheduled practices and arrive on time. If you will be absent, please e-mail the office and the Team Coach no later than the day before an expected absence. If you miss any of the mandatory practices before a competition or show, Sharper Edge has the right to replace the skater with an alternate. Each team typically has 3 mandatory team competitions a year. If you do not fulfill your team responsibilities, you will be subjected to the consequences stated on the “Team Responsibility Sheet”, which you were required to sign upon joining the team, and team placement for the following year might be in jeopardy.
Behavior Expectations:
Always have respect for your coaches, the rink, and its equipment. There will be 3 warnings: One verbal warning to the parent; the second in writing; and upon the third, you will be expelled. Remember that you are a representative of Sharper Edge Skating School at all times. Your behavior inside and outside of the rink should leave a positive impression on others! Negative conversation circulating amongst the skaters is harmful and has no place in the Sharper Edge Family. Please refer to the Behavior Contract for more information.
Parent Guidelines:
Skating is a demanding sport both mentally and physically. A major factor affecting the success of your child in skating is your constant positive support and encouragement. The more you understand about skating, the easier it will be for your child to share with you not only the excitement of success but also the frustrations of failure. The insights parents provide about their children are always appreciated by our staff. We encourage you to inform us of any problems arising that may affect your child's practice. Communication between parents and coaches is a vital element to any quality program and insures a more positive experience for your child. If you have any questions regarding training or competition, please feel free to ask our coaching staff. Please remember, your child needs lots of support and encouragement from you! If you have any concerns with your skater, or another issue happening at Sharper Edge Skating School, please contact Dawn DiMinico to request a meeting to discuss those issues.
Always refrain from sideline coaching and gossip. Parents are not permitted to stand by the door to the ice. Please stay in the stands!
A Release Form and a Permission To Treat Form must be signed each year by anyone skating on Sharper Edge ice.
NO one is allowed on the ice without skates.
NO food or beverages are allowed on the ice except water.
Keep the ice surface clean.
Keep the locker rooms clean.
After a fall do not remain on the ice unless injured.
During Program Practice, skaters doing their program will wear an orange vest and have the right of way on the ice.
Only contracted students may have their music played during the Program Practice.
For a copy of our Club Handbook-Click Here!
DAWN DIMINICO & Sharper Edge Skating School Staff
Welcome to our skating family!